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Gayle Stallings

Honorary Consul of Ethiopia, Emeritus

Email: HCEthiopiaColorado@gmail.com

In 2019, the Ethiopian government reached out to Gayle and she was appointed Honorary Council for Ethiopia. Her goal is to promote Ethiopia to the people of Colorado as a tourist destination and an investment opportunity for Colorado businesses. As one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Ethiopia is a welcoming environment for international investment.

Gayle Stallings is a Denver native and a graduate of the University of Colorado with a BA in History.  She is the mother of three adult children and grandmother of five.

She owned an insurance agency in Denver from 1988 until 2015 and is twice past president of The Affiliate Council of the Denver Metro Association of REALTORS® where she was named Affiliate of the Year.

Gayle is an active volunteer for Denver Sister Cities International serving as Chair of the Axum, Ethiopia committee for many years and Board Chair for 6 years.  Having served as both board secretary, and treasurer, she continues to participate in Sister City activities.  Her goal is to help Denver Sister Cities become a premier resource to Denver as our city broadens its global outreach.

In addition to her activities with Denver Sister Cities, Gayle is the Colorado State Representative for Sister Cities International.  As State Representative, Gayle is responsible for growing the agencies in Colorado, holding an annual state conference, and attending Sister City International leadership meetings.

One of Gayle’s interests at Sister Cities International is membership on the Global Awareness Team (GAT). This committee consists of Sister City volunteers around the US who represent countries with sister city relationships. Gayle is the country representative for Ethiopia. The GAT has been particularly active during the pandemic with the Africa subcommittee leading the way.